Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan

     The Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology, available online for anyone with good close-up vision and a few hours to spare, can be found at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=5082&menu_id=2147483665. It offers a comprehensive view of the plan for bringing today’s schools into the 21st century. The plan is an acknowledgement that students possess greater technology skills than their local school infrastructure can support. It is widely believed that improvements in technology have to be systemic and consistent in order to be effective, and the plan describes both the plan and its current status from September 2008 to August 2010. . 
     Written in two major sections, the progress report begins with descriptions of the four key areas of the Long Range Plan: Teaching and Learning; Educator Preparation and Development; Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support; and Infrastructure, notably the four components of the Texas STaR chart. The second part sums up how the twenty regional service centers are meeting the recommendations of the Long-Range Plan.
     The first component of Teaching and Learning is the Texas STaR Chart, and the progress report details the strides made in this area. Technology grants have provided improvements for classroom teachers through integration of interactive lessons. Initiatives such as the Technology Immersion Project allow students to have access to increased opportunities to integrate technology into their learning.
     The section on Educator Preparation and Development also begins with STaR chart data with graphs. The NCLB legislation provided funding to improve teacher training and access to technology, and the standards of educator preparation are described.  Online training opportunities address the needs of teachers unable to commit to more fixed, traditional models of professional development. Programs such as the Intel® Teach Program and iTunes University are examples of such online offerings.
     Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support and Infrastructure for Technology are the last sections in the report and each addresses STaR chart data. Specific information regarding broadband access and internet safety issues are features of this section.     
     The Progress Report demonstrates how the crucial resources for administrators, teachers, librarians, and students are being provided for Texas’ 21st Century classrooms.

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