The Texas STaR Chart is the starting point to assess progress and determine goals. Jan Schiff Elementary School opened in 2008 and currently has two years’ worth of data to evaluate. According to both years’ results, the school is strongest in Infrastructure for Technology, which is rated as Advanced Technology. The remaining three domains were all rated as Developing Technology, and the weakest area is Teaching and Learning.
While Jan Schiff Elementary has shown outstanding commitment to seamless integration in technology instruction, the growth has been somewhat static in the first domain, Teaching and Learning. The administration has demonstrated a commitment to securing the necessary funding to provide infrastructure. To this end, the Principal and Assistant Principal have developed a strong, positive relationship with all stakeholders, including PTA, parents, and faculty members.
While it appears that, to an extent, the static growth in Domain I may be in part due to the relatively new campus environment and forced turnover that occurred when Schiff students and teachers were moved to a newer campus in 2010. It must be addressed, however, that there should have been more growth in this area due to the availability of technology in all grade levels.
It may be concluded, then, that professional development must be improved and increased in order to strengthen the instructional capacity of the classroom teachers. Teachers must demonstrate awareness of and familiarity with the TEKS for technology in all content areas.
Teachers need professional development that increases awareness and willingness to seek out and use digital content in all academic areas. Hands-on professional development is needed that will improve student access to teacher-created web-based content. The training should be research-based and address the ever-changing digital equipment to which teachers have access. Professional development must also address the needs of new staff members who were hired after the acquisition and training for any digital equipment. Appropriate professional development will provide teachers with opportunities and skills in which their students can communicate interactively, experience higher-level thinking, and consult with content experts in a digital setting.
Action | Responsible Parties | Timeline | Resources | Evaluation |
Review STaR Chart Data, CIP to identify campus needs | Administration, Campus ITS, Classroom Teachers | April 2011 | Data, Computer Lab and screen | Prioritize needs and determine primary focus |
Technology Staff Development opportunities are posted on eLearning and in staff workroom | Dana Fish, Campus ITS | April-May 2011 | eLearning | Teachers have access to professional development that is relevant to their content areas and accessible |
Campus Professional Development Sessions | Dana Fish, Campus ITS; Jill Wolosonovich, Librarian; Corlette Hill, Education Tech Specialist | May-August 2011 | eLearning; Atomic Learning; campus computer lab; district computer training center | Classroom teachers earn 6 or more technology hours toward the 14 hour Gold Standard required by the district |
Campus Staff Development to familiarize teachers with the LRPT and NCLB requirements | Dana Fish | August 2011 | Computer Lab, screen; Texas STaR Chart overview and refresher | Improvement in two or more domains of the STaR Chart rating. Two or more domains will be Advanced Tech and there will be measurable growth in all domains |
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