Sunday, August 8, 2010

Entering the Action Research Arena

Goal: Determine the effectiveness of classroom performance system technology when consistently utilized in instruction. Compare standardized test scores where the technology was and was not utilized.









Survey teachers interested in utilizing the system




C. Murat 






Attendance records for introductory training held 7/28/2010 



Survey Monkey

sent via email 


Monitor usage of CPS™ system



C. Murat

D. Fish 




Sign-out sheets/logs 


Survey Monkey

sent via email;

voting via Outlook 


Compare Iowa Test of Basic Skills scores





C. Murat 






ITBS scores from 2009 and 2010 

Analysis of students' individual scores from 2009 to 2010; class comparisons


Compare Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) scores




C. Murat 






Test data from 2009 and 2010 

Analysis of students' individual scores from 2009 to 2010; class comparisons




Compile and publish results





C. Murat

D. Fish

M. Brewster 






School web site, PTA newsletter, blog 



Conclusion on effectiveness of CPS™ technology

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Getting It Together

We're getting there! The AR project has evolved slightly. The main focus will be determining whether sustained use of a new technology has a measurable impact on student learning. I will focus on Math and Reading scores on the ITBS and TAKS.

I will be sending out a brief questionnaire soon.

But first, a detour: I have to teach a staff development on our first day back!
It's how to incorporate the ELPS into your content area. I have materials and know pretty much what I am going to say. But yikes. The first day back? I need to find a way to incorporate it into my internship portfolio. Certainly going to put it in my Vita.